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How it all began, the birth of the soul stone

calendar November 28, 2022

Illness, poverty, divorce or loneliness are often part of life. Violent blows of fate are often the turning point in the history of man. We usually don’t see our misfortune coming and it takes us by surprise. One car accident and life turns upside down. Man is powerless to his fate.

But isn’t it precisely the strokes of fate that shape a person, widen the view and open the horizon?

In my youth, I always wanted to aim high. A good life as you imagine it. The classic building a house and raising a family. Create a popular, sometimes antiquated image of the ideal world. Those who pursue the life goal of All move along similar paths as everyone else. The permeability of our society has become smaller. With hard work from dishwasher to millionaire, those days are long gone. The elites want everyone to stay in their place. The descent, on the other hand, is always within immediate reach.

This continuous pressure weighed on my shoulders. You always want to be perfect, to function like clockwork. But we humans are not machines. Our body and mind cannot be clocked or adjusted according to any DIN standards. My soul could not cope with the impending depression. I ended up on the road due to lack of drive. I lost my wife and children. The house burned down. Now I was homeless, begging and pleading for food. By now I didn’t care whether I lived or died.

When you get to the bottom of society, you have a very different impression of the world. You have nothing left – except time. I began to study spirituality and human consciousness. The facets of human existence are much more extensive than many of us realize. The material goods are only an insignificant part of our representation. The true humanity results from the soul feeling. In this regard, I would like to cite the following wisdom:

Pay attention to your thoughts, because they become words.
Pay attention to your words because they become actions.
Pay attention to your actions because they become habits.
Pay attention to your habits because they become your character.
Pay attention to your character, because it becomes your destiny.

Charles Reade – English writer

I experienced my beginnings to spiritual enlightenment through meditation. Over time, I understood my true purpose and experienced a new way of being. One day I felt the urge to leave. I started a hike to find my teacher. My mind was clearer than ever before. Since I didn’t have much, it was easy for me to leave everything behind and set off for India.

Here, joy and sorrow live in close proximity. This country is as complex and particularly multifaceted as no other spot on earth. Healing seekers around the world commute to India to find their teacher. My master’s name was Amitayus Prasad. He initiated me into the secrets of the soul teachings of the sages. Often people have the idea that these masters live in some remote villages and work from there. Completely far from civilization. It was not so with Amitayus. He was an old man to whom people came for advice. Amitayus was a simple Indian healer. There are thousands like him in India. Nevertheless, he was a special person. He taught without speaking much.

I understood that the human soul can be made tangible. Never will the pharmaceutical industry or science get behind the secret of the soul. For their drive is only unhealthy profit-seeking. But the soul cannot be taken in for the “wrong thing”. It is free, breaks all chain and the salvation of the soul is experienced only by the one who consciously allows it.

I am infinitely grateful to him because he taught me the teachings of matter and energy. Also insights into the soul and the spirtiual spirit. Thanks to his wisdom, today we are able to preserve salvation. It is possible for us to pass on these wisdoms to people who want to optimize or improve themselves mentally. Mental stress always affects the organism.

In many cases, mental anguish becomes a physical burden. Infirmities from which we cannot get away are all too often a sign of mental imbalance. Through the further development of the soul teachings of the sages, it is possible to bring the soul into harmony. Those who are mentally stable can overcome the limits set for them. Limitless living in full enjoyment is attainable.

I was overcome with the thought that there must be more sufferers. With these and all other people I would like to share my happiness.

In years of painstaking work, I have invested the necessary knowledge and experience in the development of the Seelenstein products to make this experience accessible to everyone as easily and barrier-free as possible.

By means of special sacred geometry and valuable information, the products focus the all-encompassing energy and give an access point to which we can return. Who is available and never lets us down.

I am happier today than ever before. I am satisfied Those who are wise should participate. We humans deserve a better fate. Participate, get involved and join in. Together, let’s create soul values that last.